About the Tests and Results

What are we testing for?

We are running the two main tests the environment agency use for designated bathing water, which are:
  • E. coli (EC)
  • Intestinal Enterococci (IE).
Their presence in the water is a strong indication of sewage or some other faecal contamination. The results come back in cfu / 100 ml, which is just jargon for the number of bacteria in 100 ml of water. We then use the standard bathing water classifications from the Environment Agency* to interpret that number into a quality level. The cut-offs used for bathing water are really designed for statistical analysis of data over the whole bathing season, but the 'Sufficient' and 'Excellent' cut-offs are generally used for interpreting individual tests. For inland water
E. coli (EC) Intestinal Enterococci (IE)
Excellent Less than 500 cfu/100ml Less than 200 cfu/100ml
Sufficient Less than 900 cfu/100ml Less than 330 cfu/100ml
Poor Means that the values are worse than the sufficient – Bathing not advised
* https://environment.data.gov.uk/bwq/profiles/help-understanding-data.html

Who is performing the tests?

Samples are collected at each location by one or more organisations that have a particular interest in the quality of the water in that area.
The tests are carried out by a certified testing company.

Download our water testing information sheet here Water Testing - More Info v4.pdf


Note that any results and comparisons presented are for guidance only and should not be relied upon owing to the variation in sampling and test methods used along with the delay between sampling and result, and the variability in water quality. Any results and comparisons presented are therefore indicative only and should simply be considered as part of your own wider risk assessment.